Owlett Elected to House Republican Leadership Team

November 12, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Clint Owlett (R-Tioga/Bradford) has been elected by his peers to serve as secretary of the House Republican Caucus for the upcoming 2025-26 Legislative Session.

“I ran for office to advocate, first and foremost, for the people of Tioga and Bradford counties, but for us to be successful, the entire Commonwealth must be also,” Owlett said. “I am honored by the opportunity to help lead the House Republican Caucus in advancing policies that support our children, our families and our job creators here and throughout Pennsylvania.”

The position of caucus secretary is responsible for recording all official legislative activities that take place in the House of Representatives. Informally, the caucus secretary also helps mentor newly elected lawmakers throughout their first term in office. Finally, as a member of the leadership team, Owlett will also play a role in developing the caucus strategy and agenda.

Owlett joins the following members on the leadership team:

· Leader: Rep. Jesse Topper (R-Bedford/Fulton).

· Appropriations Chair: Rep. Jim Struzzi (R-Indiana).

· Caucus Chairman: Rep. Martina White (R-Philadelphia).

· Caucus Whip: Rep. Tim O’Neal (R-Washington).

· Caucus Administrator: Rep. Sheryl Delozier (R-Cumberland).

· House Republican Policy Committee Chair: Rep. David Rowe (R-Snyder/Union/Mifflin/Juniata).

Representative Clint Owlett
68th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

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