Recognizing a 10-Year-Old Superhero

August 27, 2024

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Recognizing a 10-Year-Old Superhero

Many kids admire fictional superheroes, but few get to become one in real life.

It was a day of excitement and gratitude last week as I joined the Bradford County commissioners in recognizing the heroic acts of 10-year-old Kannon Parker, who saved the life of his grandfather after an ATV accident earlier this month in LeRoy Township, Bradford County.

After noticing he hadn’t seen his grandfather, Steve Jennings, in a while, Kannon went out on the family farm and found his grandfather was pinned underneath an overturned ATV. After letting his grandma know what happened, he got one of their farm tractors with a bucket on it and carefully lifted the ATV off of his grandfather. What an incredible example of poise under pressure!

In the meantime, Kannon’s grandma called 9-1-1 and emergency responders from the Canton Volunteer Fire Department soon arrived. On scene were Chief Ray Miller, 9-1-1 dispatchers Ethan Sheets and Justin McCarthy, and Western Alliance EMS.

Steve was likely trapped under the ATV for nearly an hour and had three broken ribs and a gash on his side as a result of the accident. But his pride in his grandson was clear last week when this fine young man was presented with a certificate from the Bradford County commissioners and a citation from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in recognition of his bravery and quick action.

Kannon exemplifies the commitment we all should have to helping others even in the most difficult of circumstances.
Happy 100th Birthday!

What a blessing it was to be able to spend some time with a true inspiration this last week. Llewellyn Butler turned 100 years old on Saturday and he certainly has quite the stories to tell. I learned all about birch stills and the business he had with his family providing birch oil to companies like Crest. Mr. Butler also served in our armed forces and quite literally left after he graduated to serve this great nation. He also had the opportunity to drive Gen. George S. Patton during his time in the military. However, the most inspiring part of this visit was hearing his concern for the flood victims in the valley and desire to help.
Stories of Recovery and Change

Click here to view video.

Amidst the tragedy of recent flooding are uplifting stories of people helping one another, and important conversations to have and actions to take to prevent this from happening again. In the coming days, I will share some of those stories. Be sure to follow me on Facebook and watch future editions of Community Connection for more.

Please know my heart remains with the people who continue to struggle with the losses they’ve experienced and the heavy burden of cleaning up the mud and debris that tore up homes, businesses, farm fields, roads and more. I am committed to doing all I can to help and to effecting the change necessary to minimize flood risk in the future.

In addition to my Facebook page, be sure to check these sites for regular updates on flood-related issues:

  •   Tioga County PA Emergency Services
  •   Crary Hose Company, Westfield
  •   Knoxville-Deerfield Volunteer Fire Company
  •   Tioga County Partnership for Community Health
Major Boost for Public Safety!

A heartfelt thank you and congratulations to Crary Hose Company, which was recently awarded a grant of $100,000 from the Commonwealth toward the construction of a live burn fire training facility in the Westfield area.

According to the company, the facility will provide regional firefighters, particularly those from Tioga and Potter counties and the Northcentral PA region, with access to a National Fire Protection Association-certified facility for performing realistic live burn structural firefighting training.

I applaud the company and its leaders for taking on this important initiative that will help protect the health and safety of area firefighters and residents.

This grant was announced just days before the region was hit with flooding, and the volunteers at Crary Hose Company were truly lifesavers that day. We are so blessed by their service day in and day out to keep our communities safe!

The grant was awarded by the Office of the State Fire Commissioner and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency through the Emergency Training Center Capital Grant Program. It is one of only six projects awarded through the grant program this year.                                     
Game Commission Night: White-Tailed Deer and Habitat

You won’t want to miss this year’s Game Commission Night! This is a great opportunity to learn more about our deer herd and ask questions of PGC staff. This event typically fills up fast, so be sure to reserve your seat by clicking here.

‘Back to School’ Scams Target College Students

The Federal Communications Commission is warning college students to be on alert for scammers seeking to capitalize on the busy academic season.

Such scams may be harder to spot alongside legitimate fundraisers and other efforts that genuinely seek to assist students and their parents. Top student scams include scholarship, tech support, and roommate and rental scams. Campus scammers aren't just using cold calls or robocalls to hijack personal information; they're also sending deceptive emails and text messages that appear to be official.

Things for students and their families to keep in mind: 
  •   You are not required to make loan payments over the phone.
  •   Student scams are not limited to the start of the school year; be mindful of scams year-round.
  •   Never provide personally identifiable information over the phone, including Social Security numbers, bank account and routing numbers, and credit and debit card numbers.
  •   Be sure to keep any student loan information guarded, as scammers tend to target students with loans.
  •   Monitor your financial records and bank account information closely and often.
  •   For more information on how to avoid phone scams and other unwanted calls or texts, visit

If you’ve been the target of unwanted calls and spoofing or other matters, you are encouraged to file a complaint with the FCC. Click here for details.
Problems with Your Flight?

A new complaint form is available from the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General for residents who have encountered hardships with airline travel, ranging from flight delays and cancellations to boarding problems.

The new form is in response to a nationwide uptick in consumer complaints regarding air travel and was created in partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation to better assist Pennsylvania travelers.

Consumers may file complaints whether they purchased tickets directly through the airline, or through an agent or third party. Residents of Pennsylvania or those who faced airline issues in Pennsylvania are eligible to use the new complaint form.

The forms require information, such as ticket number, flight itinerary, flight date, ticket purchase date, ticket price and form of payment. The forms also require specifics on what issues were encountered by the traveler.  

Click here to access the form.

PennDOT Driver License, Photo Centers Closed for Labor Day Holiday

All PennDOT driver license and photo centers, including the Riverfront Office Center in Harrisburg, will be closed Saturday, Aug. 31, through Monday, Sept. 2, in observance of Labor Day.

Customers may still obtain a variety of driver and vehicle products and services online through PennDOT's Driver and Vehicle Services website,

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