Owlett Offices to be Closed May 9 for Staff Training
May 5, 2023
WELLSBORO – Rep. Clint Owlett (R-Tioga/Bradford) is alerting area residents that his offices in Wellsboro and Troy will be closed on Tuesday, May 9, for a staff training seminar.
People in need of immediate assistance that day should call the Harrisburg office at 717-772-5371.
For non-urgent requests, messages may be left in Wellsboro (570-724-1390) or Troy (570-297-3045), or residents may contact the office online at RepOwlett.com.
The local offices will reopen on Wednesday, May 10.
Representative Clint Owlett
68th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Patricia Hippler
RepOwlett.com / Facebook.com/RepOwlett
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